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河图、洛书的名称,散见在早期的中国古典典籍之中 [12]:15 : 《尚书》〈顾命〉篇:“大玉,夷玉,天球,河图在东序。 约在周朝初年的时期记载,周成王临。
The Chinese zodiac is a traditional classification scheme based on the Chinese calendar that assigns an animal and its reputed attributes to each year in a repeating twelve-year cycle. The zodiac is very important in traditional Chinese culture and exists as a reflection of Chinese philosophy and culture. Chinese folkways held that ones personality is related to the attributes of their zodiac a…
中醫認為腰為腎之府,腎居於腰中,腎虛的人士特別容易出現腰酸乏力或疼痛的現象。 另一方面,腎主生殖,故男士的性能力、生育功能等都跟腎氣的強弱密切相關。 坊間認為進食黑色的食物能補腎,。
(花开富贵) Literally: “flowers bloom for prosperity”.
解释. 附近 fùjìn. (1) [nearby;neighboring] ∶靠近,离某地不远的. (2) [close to;in the vicinity] ∶指附近的地方. 炸弹落在建筑物附近. -----------------. 英语 (in the) vicinity, nearby, neighboring, next to. 。
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